“Not All Calories Are Equal” MYTHBUST 👊🏼 Read 👇🏼 Spoiler alert - they are 👀 When the nutrition facts states ‘X calories’ - that IS how many calories of energy that food/drink contains… BUT the human body isn’t a bomb calorimeter (the device used to calculate the amount of energy in the food/drink) 🔥 What does this mean? 🤔 1. Your body burns calories digesting food, meaning your net calorie absorption is lower than what it says on the packet 2. In some cases like fibre - not all of the calories will be absorbed Humans not only need calories, but also vitamins & minerals for optimal health 📈 But if somebody was JUST to focus on calories, can they make fat loss progress? Absolutely! However - if you’re eating 1,500 calories of jelly snakes, bread & butter and soda, you’re going to have a pretty rough time 😂 So yes - a calorie is always a calorie… But no - it’s not the only thing you should focus on when dieting 😎🤝