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Top 100 Tiktok Beauty Videos (Indonesia)
Replying to @𝐬𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐫. kok pada bisa nebak ya aku pake somethinc yang batman!!! wkwkwkwkwkwk dan inilah dia dark feminine energy makeup tutorial yang banyak banget ditanya tutorialnya!!!✨
Ikutan personal color analysis di korea langsung! Dan shock sendiri sama hasilnya 🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨
menyala blush highlighter in 1 💥 Buy or Bye blush terbaru dr @maybelline_indonesia #GoldUpSatSet #WeAreMaybelline #makeup #blush #highlighter #SunkissedMakeup #SummerMakeup
Kalo gaada kamera gatau lagi☺️ #marriedlife #ciltiv
Society. Reality. Humanity. I’m going to show you the pain I’ve been through. Chapter 1 begins. LINK IN BIO now.. #JACKSONWANG #MAGICMAN2 #JACKSONHIGHALONE #TEAMWANG #王嘉爾 #잭슨 #TEAMWANGrecords
Langsung mode pasar raya.. 🙏 #minangpride #urangminang #videoflorie
Gilaaa sampe puyeng ngerevieew 11 parfum tp ini wanginya dari berbagai macam brand. Ada dari afnan, personal chemistry, pluto, unke naru dll SIAPAKAH JUARANYA?!?!?!
Susah, tapi bisa kalo diusahakan. #marriedlife #ciltiv
semoga membantu beb😙 •Softlens Link bio no 17 •Moisturizer Link bio no 45 •Sunscreen Link bio no 46 •Primer Link bio no 47 •Cushion Link bio no 48 •Concealer Link bio no 49 •Alis Link bio no 34 •Loose powder Link bio no 40 •Blushon no 50 •Contour benefit •Eyeliner makeover •Fake lashes Link bio no 35 •Highlighter Link bio no 51 •Lipcream pertama Link bio no 52 shade skye •Lipcream kedua Link bio no 32 shade 115 •Setting spray Link bio no 53 (satin) #fypシ #tutorialmakeup #makeuptutorial #fyp
Spill softlens spill softlens spill softlens!!! Okey ini bener2 rahasia mata cantik aku🥹 girlies dont gatekeep
Pokok kalo make up in lek @Novita Sari🔥 selalu gak Pernah Benner di Mata Kalian🥺😭.. Samawa Syg♥️🥺
She’s 63 so there’s a slight age gap 🫠😂
Ubur-ubur, ikan lele Wadaw leee #fyp #makeup #makeuplook #transition #capcuttrend
Timephoria lagi seliweran mulu nih, yang aku suka Nebula Velvet Lip Creamnya guysss!!!
All my life I never really told you who I truly am. how I really feel. maybe it’s not something people want to listen to. maybe it’s not something people even care about. I’ve spent the last year understanding the Jackson I have always been avoiding. let me tell you the truth I see. It’s all in this album Let the story begin. LINK IN BIO #JACKSONWANG #MAGICMAN2 #JACKSONHIGHALONE #TEAMWANG #王嘉爾 #잭슨 #TEAMWANGrecords
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra tu beneran ngertiin aku banget, apalagi fitur seamless action across appsnya, gokil. Terus Audio Erasernya juga berguna banget buat gue yang suka ngonten dimanapun dan kapanpun. Gue udah cobain hape ini selama dua minggu, dan gue beneran kebantu banget. Yuk upgrade sekarang ke Galaxy S25 Series dan dapatin promo trade in cashback 3juta, bank cashback 1.5juta dan total bonus hingga 4.5juta #GalaxyAI #AIUnderstandYou #GalaxyS25 @Samsung Indonesia
Membalas @Lha yang ini jasanya 50 ya menghilngkan kutu dan telur kutu di candi ini well #jelajahgajian #TikTokAwardsID #jelajahkuliner #pao #salonkutu #gerindra #lice #fujian #fakesituation #jelajahmalang #kutu #paoobatkutu