How did we win, how much hardship we faced, all the clips are short and included in this video. #kantisecondaryschool❤️ #pujachoreography💃 #jhumranaach #jhumradance #winnerofbutwalnagarpalika #butwalmuser🇳🇵 #studentofpuja🌹 #winnerofworldofdancenepal #winnerwinnerchickendinner #winnerwinnermoment #pujadarnal #studentsofkantibutwal #jhumradancekanti #jhumradancekanti #tharudance #manishpuja✨ #worldofdance #worldofdance #dreamusa🇺🇲 @💎कान्छा🤘 @Kanti secondary school butwal @Eprana Sapkota @barsha🌸
I had been thinking about making a video for this song for a long time, but due to my busy schedule, I couldn’t find the time. But finally, I was able to make the video today. #winnerofworldofdancenepal #pujachoreography💃 #kantisecondaryschool❤️ #pujadarnal #worldofdance #beriaaye #beriaayepatukima❤️ #timiaakothanaipaina #nepalisong #nepalitrendingsong #butwalmuser🇳🇵 @💎कान्छा🤘 @Kanti secondary school butwal
There's no reward without work, no victory without effort, no battle won without risk 🏆🥇❤️#winnerofworldofdancenepal #winnerwinnerchickendinner #dreamusa🇺🇲 #manishpuja✨ #worldofdance #manishnepalichoregraphy💃 #studentofpuja🌹 #butwalmuser🇳🇵 #bravegorkhafamily🇳🇵 #bravegorkha #thebravegorkhas #manishnepali3 #manishnepali3🥰fav @💎कान्छा🤘
बुटवल नगरपालिका द्वारा आयोजित बिद्यालय स्थरीय लोक नृत्य प्रतियोगितामा प्रथम स्थान हासील गरेको उपलक्ष्यमा कान्ति मा. बी का नानी बाबु हरू को खुसीयाली 🏆🥇❤️ #kantisecondaryschool❤️ #winnerofbutwalnagarpalika #butwalmuser🇳🇵 #manishpuja✨ #studentofpuja🌹 #winnerofworldofdancenepal #pujadarnal #worldofdance #winnerwinnermoment #winnerwinnerchickendinner #studentsofkantibutwal #mahtafanbhaye #ektor #aktormovie @💎कान्छा🤘 @Kanti secondary school butwal
Congratulations my dear students for securing 1st position in folk dance competition!!!❤️🙏🙌🙌 @💎कान्छा🤘 @Kanti secondary school butwal #pujachoreography💃 #jhumranaach #jhumradance #tharudance #kantisecondaryschool❤️ #winnerofbutwalnagarpalika #butwalmuser🇳🇵 #manishpuja✨ #studentofpuja🌹 #winnerofworldofdancenepal #pujadarnal #worldofdance #winnerwinnerchickendinner #studentsofkantibutwal #studentsofkantibutwal #jhumradancekanti #dreamusa🇺🇲
बुटवल उप-महानगरपालिका, रुपन्देही, द्वारा आयोजित लोक नृत्य प्रतियोगितामा प्रथम हुन सफल मेरा मिहेनती विधार्थि भाई बहिनीहरु लगायत सम्पुर्ण कान्ति विधालय परीवार लाई धेरै धेरै बधाई !!👏 #kantisecondaryschool❤️ #pujachoreography💃 #jhumranaach #jhumradance #winnerofbutwalnagarpalika #butwalmuser🇳🇵 #studentofpuja🌹 #winnerofworldofdancenepal #winnerwinnerchickendinner #winnerwinnermoment #mahtafanbhaye #aktormovie #ektor #pujadarnal #studentsofkantibutwal #jhumradancekanti @💎कान्छा🤘 @Kanti secondary school butwal ❤️🏆🥇
Winner of World of Dance 🏆🥺❤️ #winnerofworldofdancenepal #worldofdance #wodnepal #pujadarnal #bravegorkhafamily🇳🇵 #thebravegorkha🇳🇵 #manishpuja✨ #winner #dreamusa🇺🇲
I can clearly see my shadow on you Bhattu 😇❤️ congratulations my versatile and talented student ( Yuwani Bhattarai) for securing 1st position in school level dance competition🥇🏆#pujachoreography💃 #studentofpuja🌹 #pujadarnal #winner #winnerofworldofdancenepal #worldofdance #bravegorkhafamily🇳🇵 #thebravegorkha🇳🇵 #manishpuja✨ #winner #prakashsaput14 #prakashsaputpradesimovie #pradeshisong #pradeshimovie2song #yuwanibhattarai #thebravegorkha @💎कान्छा🤘 @radhika