All-Star weekend was the first time in 6 years since I last stepped inside an NBA arena - Oracle Arena during Game 6 of the NBA Finals back in 2019. I wasn’t quite sure what to feel or expect. In all honesty, that’s partially why for the first couple months of 2025, I adamantly told my business team I wanted to decline this opportunity. For a while after 2019, I lacked closure w how my NBA career ended. When I thought about it, I couldn’t appreciate all that I had accomplished bc I was still confused at how and why things ended. After this All-Star weekend, I felt a sense of peace and gratitude I couldn’t find in prior years. Watching the All-Star festivities, I felt amazement at the skill, athleticism and talent of all the athletes. As the weekend sunk in, my next thought was that I used to be them, competing on that same court making history: scoring the most points ever in NBA history in a player’s first 4 starts, compiling 9 seasons in the NBA, and becoming the first Asian-American to win an NBA championship. As I get older, I’m not the player I used to be a few years ago, and I never will be, and that’s perfectly ok. I can sit back, admire the NBA players, root for the next generation, enjoy all the league has to offer, without a sense of confusion, bitterness or jealousy. All-Star weekend was less of a “goodbye” to the NBA as a player, but maybe more of a “hello again” down the road but in a different capacity. God truly gave me a miraculous and blessed career and life. Maybe I’m late to the party, but at least I’m here now, full of gratitude and truly enjoying all that the game of basketball has given me. @Pablo Torre Finds Out @James Harden @Omar Raja @NBA 全明星週末是我六年來第一次踏進NBA球館,上一次是在2019年總決賽第六戰的甲骨文球館。老實說,這也是為什麼2025年前幾個月,我一直跟團隊說不想參加這次的活動。從2019年後,我一直沒能完全放下自己的NBA生涯是怎麼結束的。每當回想起來,總覺得自己做了很多,卻無法真正去欣賞和感受那些成就,因為心裡還有太多疑問。 但這次的全明星週末,讓我前所未有地感受到平靜和感恩。看著場上的球員,他們的技術、運動能力和天賦都讓我感受到這個聯盟的競爭有多激烈。這時我才意識到,曾經我也是其中一員,站在這個舞台上,寫下屬於自己的故事:NBA生涯前四場比賽得分紀錄、九個賽季的NBA旅程、成為第一位奪冠的亞裔美國球員。 隨著年齡增長,我已經不是幾年前的那個球員,也不會回到當初的自己,但這一切都沒關係。我可以坐下來欣賞比賽,為新一代球員加油,享受這個聯盟所帶來的一切,而不再帶著疑惑、不甘或遺憾。這次的全明星週末,對我來說,不是和NBA說再見,而是用不同的方式與它重新連結。或許未來不會再以球員身份站上場,但這並不代表結束,而是另一種方式的開始。 這一路走來,我擁有一段充滿奇蹟和祝福的籃球生涯。或許這份領悟來得有點晚,但至少現在的我,滿懷感恩,真正享受籃球帶給我的一切。#nbaallstar #河村勇輝 #gratitude
#ad Women’s hoops has always been elite, but now more people are finally starting to see it. The footwork, the IQ, the skill—it’s all there. Every time I watch, I pick up something new. The way they read the game and break down defenses is next level. If you’re still sleeping on women’s basketball, you’re missing out. Thanks Natalie for a great convo! Make sure to watch the whole convo on Youtube! @McDonald’s
All-Star at its core is a celebration of the NBA’s fans and the crazyyy talent and hard work of the players. Easily one of my highlights of being back this year was getting to meet Yuki Kawamura From winning MVP in the BLeague, dominating in the Olympics and now tearing up the GLeague, your skill and greatness has been undeniable and amazing to witness. From our conversation its clear how much Yuki cares about his fans and his desire to represent them well on basketball’s biggest stage. I love the fearlessness you play with and I hope you can always find in me an understanding ear. Keep being you. We’re rooting for you bro! 全明星週末的意義在於慶祝NBA球迷還有球員們的天賦和努力。這次回來,一個特別的時刻之一就是見到河村勇輝 從拿下B聯賽MVP,到在奧運發揮,再到現在G聯盟大放異彩,你的實力大家都看得到!和你聊天後更能感受到你對球迷鼓勵的感激和熱愛,還有想在最高舞台上代表他們的願望 我很欣賞你打球時的自信與果敢,希望你一直保持自己,我們都在為你加油! #yukikawamura #河村勇輝 #nbaallstar
Growing up, being Asian and playing basketball, I would always get called Yao Ming by opponents. Back then, I’d think, I’m my own player, I’m nothing like Yao, I’m a point guard. I hated not getting to define my own identity and just wanted to be known for myself. A few days ago, I got to share this story with Yao in the room. As much as I hated being compared, I also know how much he inspired me and how exciting it was to see someone Asian dominate at the highest level. He paved the way, carried the weight of being the Asian player in the league. Because of him, the door cracked open even more for me to step through. He was the first one to invite me to an official event - his charity game - after I joined the NBA. I imagine a league where seeing Asian hoopers isn’t rare, where representation isn’t the exception but just a part of the game. Much respect to Yao. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the game, for me, for us. 從小打球時,因為我是亞洲人,對手總會叫我姚明。當時我心裡想,我是我自己,不是姚明,我是一名控球後衛。我討厭被別人定義,只想靠自己的實力讓大家認識真正的我。 幾天前,我終於有機會在姚明面前分享這個故事。雖然當年不喜歡被比較,但我也知道,他曾經帶給我的激勵有多大,能看到一位亞洲球員在最高殿堂站穩腳跟是多麼讓人振奮。他為我們闖出一條路,扛下了作為聯盟唯一亞洲球員的重量。因為他,那扇門被推開得更大,讓我有機會踏進去。他也是第一個在我進NBA後邀請我參加官方活動的人→他的慈善賽。 我期待有一天,亞洲球員在聯盟裡不再是少數,代表性不再是例外,而是籃球世界裡自然的一部分。 向姚明致敬,感謝你為籃球、為我、為我們所做的一切。 #yaoming #pioneer #respect
Good to be back home where it all started. From growing up here, to the miraculous state championship at PALY, to signing w Golden State as a rookie, to the DLeague Reno Bighorns, to the GLeague Santa Cruz Warriors 10 years later, the Bay has been a cornerstone of my journey. Honored and excited to be a part of this years NBA All Star Weekend 🌉💫 很開心回到這片讓我籃球夢想起步的地方。從在這裡長大,到PALY高中奇跡般的州冠軍,再到新人時與勇士隊簽約,從D聯盟雷諾到10年後的G聯盟聖克魯斯勇士,灣區始終是我職業生涯的重要一部分。很榮幸也很興奮能參與今年的NBA全明星週末!#nbaallstarweekend #bayarea