Happy New Year 🎆 We’re on our 3rd year of not buying any toys (with exceptions of birthday and Christmas) & it’s been working out soo wonderfully! 😍 #eoyinspo24 #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #praise #childdevelopment #cde #ece #parenting #positiveparenting #consciousparenting #newmom #firsttimemom #boyMom #girlmom #boydad #girldad
Might have to also add ✨something to share✨ this season 💛 I’m thinking of a gift membership to a museum ☺️ What are your children asking for this year? 🎄 🎁 ❤️ #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #praise #childdevelopment #cde #ece #parenting #positiveparenting #consciousparenting #newmom #firsttimemom #boyMom #girlmom #boydad #girldad
Children need routine and consistency. When they can predict what will happen next and understand the pattern and routine, they’re more likely to listen 🧠 #eoyinspo24 #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #praise #childdevelopment #cde #ece #parenting #positiveparenting #consciousparenting #newmom #firsttimemom #boyMom #girlmom #boydad #girldad
This is the “MAGIC RATIO” 🪄 💛 Drs. John and Julie Gottman have spent their careers studying couples and what makes romantic relationships work…or not. One of their findings is that in stable, healthy relationships there is a ratio of 5:1 positive feelings and interactions for every one negative feeling and interaction. If this ratio is closer to 1:1 or, worse, 1:5, then the relationship is likely will be unhealthy and even toxic. Researchers have found this same “magic ratio” present in other healthy, positive relationships as well such as teams at work, friendships, and classrooms. #m#montessorim#montessoriathomem#montessoritoddlerp#praisec#childdevelopmentc#cdee#ecep#parentingp#positiveparentingc#consciousparentingn#newmomf#firsttimemomb#boyMomg#girlmomb#boydadgirldadlife
Things I HAD to change to be a more ✨present✨ mom ❤️ #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #praise #childdevelopment #cde #ece #parenting #positiveparenting #consciousparenting #newmom #firsttimemom #boyMom #girlmom #boydad #girldadlife
Tell me ways you have found to say “NO” less 👇🏼💛 #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #praise #childdevelopment #cde #ece #parenting #positiveparenting #consciousparenting #newmom #firsttimemom #boyMom #girlmom #boydad #girldad