Take the pathetic next best step. Don’t shoot for the moon. Find the action that’s so small you’ve found it too embarrassing or boring to get it done. Go be an adult and take the step that’s smaller than your ego is willing to take. Because that’s the one you can crush. That’s the one that will make it possible for you to take a bigger step tomorrow. #selfimprovement #growthmindset #motivation #inspiration
If you’re struggling to find your purpose congratulations. Almost no one knows their purpose in life so you’re in good company. But you can learn to do more purposeful things. Some people spend their whole lives not knowing what their “thing” is. And if you spend your life searching for it you might just waste it. But if you learn to take an action that feels worth taking, which is a skill you can learn, you can fill your life with worthy actions. And at the end of your life, whether you found your purpose or not, you will feel that you have lived a purposeful life. You will have lived a life worth living. #changeyourlife #findyourpurpose
Imagine a life where every year feels better than the last. That’s what long-term thinking is for. It's not about putting off joy or living a boring life. It’s about making your life more fun tomorrow than it is today so that you don’t look back fifty years from now and think the frat party you had was the best day of your life. Learn how to make good memories that lead to better ones and you will have an amazing life. #selfimprovement #motivation #growthmindset