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This is probably the worst shop bought slimes I have ever reviewed. The funny thing is I knew it would be bad because I saw so many reviews of it in the past… but even I didn’t expect it to be this bad. This has got to be one of the worlds worst slimes, how these make it into actually stores I do not know. @Kelsie🤪 very kindly picked this up for me as a gift from her holiday to New York a few months ago… and I was debating opening it or keeping it as a decorative piece haha, but Kelsie did buy these for me to review so here we are, but thank you so so so much Kelsie! Let me know though with the few bits I have saved should u try and “fix” the kit, or make a new one with the cheese and pepperoni? Let me know! #worstslime #slime #slimefail #ooeygooey #ooeygooeypizza #slimekit #shopboughtslime #emmabeeslimes #newyork #usa #usaslime #uk #ukslime #slimereview #waterslime #diyclayslime
Let’s Review another £2.50 Slime from B&M. They didn’t have many of these left when I went to my story but there are apparently a bunch of different options. I probably would have bought the birthday cake one anyway because it’s a bit of me. @Lee's Slime Stuff said she didn’t like the smell of this but I actually enjoyed it, my only issue was the fall out. But I can overlook that. My local store is the one in Pool Between Redruth and Camborne here in Cornwall. So if we have it you should too. If you don’t want to buy slime from small businesses or are on a budget I highly recommend this one in particular. I will keep an eye out for others if you would like me to test them out too. But yea I really really enjoyed the texture of this for the price. #slime #bandm #bandmslime #slimereview #shopboughtslime #cheapslime #cheapslimereview #ukslime #slimeuk #ukslimereview #emmabeeslimes #nogluenoborax
Replying to @EllaToone_MEGAfan let’s review a 2 year old slime from @Peachybbies Slime. With shipping this slime back then worked out at about £20. Emo Girl is a thick jelly slime scented pink sugar and made with the world blackest paint/powder paint. Texture and scent wise I cannot complain, however I really wish this slime came with the cute add ins on the side for me to mix in myself. I know that sort of stuff takes ages but given the colour I haven’t actually ever seen them and even when they sink yous till can’t see them. Because I film slimes too and usually play with slime while live or with other slimes I really do not reach for this because I’m very particular about keeping all of my slimes clean and I don’t want the black staining on my fingers to dye other slimes in my collection. It has however held up really well over the years and I do personally really enjoy Andrea’s slimes. I see a lot of people speaking negatively about her slimes but I’ve honestly always enjoyed my slimes from her. When she did her whole lockdown rebrand her slimes improved a tonne and texture and scent wise I have always really enjoyed them. But let me know would you be interested in a peachybbies slime collection and review. Because I still have every slime and some are now 5 years old. #slime #peachybbies #peachyslime #emogirlslime #peachyslimereview #emmabeeslimes #jellyslime #slimereview #emogirl #emo #slimeuk #ukslime
Let’s unbag the £6 B&M Mega Slime Acessory Pack. My local store is the one in Pool between Redruth & Camborne here in Cornwall so if we have them you definitely should have them in your store! Spoiler alert I honestly think this is a bargain if you want to make a variety of slimes at home or if you’re just setting up a slime business. I’m actually going to be using all these for when I go live to make slime, just to make our slimes way more interesting. But let me know what you think down below! #slime #slimesupplies #bandm #bandmslime #magaslimeaccessorypack #homemadeslime #slimetutorial #ukslime #slimeuk #emmabeeslimes #redruth #camborne #cornwall
Replying to @EmmaBeeSlimes - This £3 Slime Kit from Poundland has one of the best shop bought slime activators you can buy in the U.K. in it. These kits are worth it just for the activator alone in my opinion, and you have way more activator then you need in the kit so it’s great to use for your own slimes too. I picked mine up a few weeks ago after not seeing them in store for almost a year. My local store is in pool between Redruth and Camborne here in Cornwall for anyone interested so definitely keep an eye out in yours. I do still reccomend Hobbycraft activator over this one and is a better deal for the amount you get, but if you don’t live near one this is a great alternative. I actually have another hobbycraft video coming next week so keep an eye out. #slime #slimeactivator #ukslimeactivator #poundland #poundlandslime #slimekit #cheapslime #slimekitreview #emmabeeslimes #sensoryplay #noborax #ukactivator #asmr #ukslime #slimeuk
Replying to @itsmeskylywileyuk - Let’s Review another £2.50 B&M Slime. A couple of days ago I posted a review of the birthday cake one, and when I popped in store to pick up some storage containers they had a restock of these slimes, so decided I would do a video quickly showing you them all and the reviewing a slime from the same collection with a different texture. I went for the Rainbow Sherbet one, it has a bogey like texture but it is stretchy and makes amazing bubbles and the scent OMG IT IS INCREDIBLE. Honestly for the price these kits are really good. Would make a amazing little gifts. Those rubber sprinkles need to go though because the fallout is annoying. Overall though I would give this one a 6.5-7/10 Not as nice as the birthdaycake one, but at least the fallout isn’t as bad. As always for anyone wondering my local store is in pool between Redruth and Camborne here in Cornwall. Anyway Let me know if you have tried any of these anyway and what you thought. #bandm #bandmslime #slimereview #cheapslime #shopboughtslime #emmaveeslimes #ukslime #ukslimereview #slimy #slimyslime #redruth #camborne #pool #cornwall #sensory #sensoryolay #asmr #oddlysatisfying #fidget
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