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morganwallen Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 6.41M Followers / Views 1.11% -
Average Likes 306.45K Likes / Views 18.02% -
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Average Share 41.64K Share / Views 0.71%
morganwallen Hot Videos
I'm The Problem Tour 2025 | Can’t wait for this one. Sign up for pre-sale now through Tuesday at MorganWallen.com. This tour is named after my new album that I am still working on – I'm The Problem. Excited to tell y’all more about it soon, but the title track will be out next Friday 1/31.
Been trying for a long time to write a song I loved to my son. None of them ever feel good enough because of how perfect I want something like this to be. And not saying this is perfect, but I am very proud of it. Here is a clip, It’s called “Superman”
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