Thank you for the trip down memory lane, Kendrick. But also can you link your jeans, please?! They look amazing and we all want them. #relatable #accurate #millennial #MomsofTikTok #y2knostalgia #90skid
Call me old fashioned, but when kids walk into a Hot Topic, I want them to be greeted by the smell of incense and teen angst. I want them to get accidentally poked by 7” spikes on a random choker necklace. I want them to get a headache from the music that’s playing. I want them to think all color has left the world. I want them to be a little scared of the employees. I’m sorry to report, my millennial friends, that Hot Topic has gone soft. I guess it WAS just a phase after all, Mom. Disclaimer: Yes, I recognize the irony that I say Hot Topic has gone soft while I am wearing quite literally the softest puffer vest the local mall has to offer. #relatable #accurate #millennial #MomsofTikTok #y2knostalgia #90skid
But honestly, is there *even* another way to style a peplum top?! Any other way feels, just, wrong. OG 2020 “girl don’t do it” audio: @Makayla Did #relatable #accurate #millennial #MomsofTikTok #y2knostalgia #90skid
*Goes and gets Bedazzler and some Monestat from the back of the closet* Hilarious CD Player cargo pants video is from @kaisacoats on IG #relatable #accurate #millennial #MomsofTikTok #y2knostalgia #90skid
If Shants bring you joy, then you shall wear them. For me, I shan’t. Original shants video is @MALU BORGES—who has MUCH more style in her left leg than I do in my whole body. She’s fab and is a whole vibe!! So who am I to talk?! And let’s be honest if these become mainstream I’ll be wearing them in .5 seconds 😂 #relatable #accurate #millennial #MomsofTikTok
This booked changed my life. And by that I mean I made approximately 1/2 of one friendship bracelet, gave up, and moved on to another hobby. (I know this song is from 1999 SUE ME!) #relatable #accurate #millennial #MomsofTikTok #90skid
Me: Ugh why is this door stripping project taking so long?! I don’t have time for this!! Also me: Stops project halfway though to spend hours making a dumb video about said project… #relatable #accurate #millennial #momsofinstagram #wicked