#ad @Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant is truly a game-changing tool that I recommend to all students!! It’s saved me so much time and really is my new study buddy. #AdobeAcrobatPartner #AcrobatAmbassador #psychologystudent #psychologydegree #studytips #studyhacks #studytok #studentlife
my greatest joy will always be this journey to becoming a child psychologist #psychology #psychologystudent #psychologydegree #psychmajor #psychologymajor #studytok #studymotivation #columbiauniversity #CapCut
we do both around here😤 disclaimer my man would never #womeninmaledominatingfields #studytok #phdstudent #academia #psychologystudent #psychologyphd #columbia
fieldwork day🧳✨ I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed this week (and it’s only Tuesday!!) because there is just so much coming up between this praxis exam, externship apps, conference proposal submissions, grant work, finishing out the semester etc. (I really need to have a sit down update/debrief with you all!!) but these are all blessings and to be grateful for🫶 I need to remember that there is good vs bad stress. I know some of you have reached out to me about feeling overwhelmed, so if you’re really feeling it this time of year, just know your not alone, it’s just that time of the semester and year, and you’ve overcome this time of year many times before!! Sending hugs your way🤎 #psychologystudent #studytok #psychmajor #studymotivation #psychologymajor #psychologydegree #psychologyphd #studyaesthetic #studyaesthetic #dayinthelife #columbia