I’ve actually learned to love them now because of other creators with similar bodies to mine. I do get insecure some days but I don’t let it get to me too much #hipdips
I hate office days, field work days are superior 😭🫶🏼🤍 the perks of being an environmentalist 🥳 the winter has been rough, but I don’t have time to go out and walk for 30 minutes so 10 body weight squats it is #Fitness #gymmotivation #caloriedeficit #protein #midsize
But it’s only been 3 weeks and I literally don’t get how drastic that looks, I mean I know I’ve been consistent but wow. #gymmotivation #Fitness #caloriedeficit
The verse God gave me was proverbs 6:6-11. While you should be doing everything as if it for God, it’s also biblical for us to rest on the sabbath. I can’t emphasize that enough. Before I didn’t have time to count my calories but I had time to watch full blown seasons of parks and rec. that was laziness. It’s also this understand that you’re not guaranteed another day. The Life God has given you should not be taken for granted. We shouldn’t be thinking about what we will do in the future if it’s not in God Will. James 4:13-15 “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that. . Don’t take the life God has given you for granted, God has already given you the spirit if power, love and self discipline to do it! #gymmotivation #Fitness #midsize #hipdips
We got our feet scanned to see what the best shoes for us to run in are personally, this is making me so excited to continue to run with these amazing friends!!! 5K here we come! The first of many runs! #gymmotivation #Fitness #caloriedeficit #midsize
Went from 194.7 to 193lbs which I will say I did have the flu and severe diarrhea last week so I’m thinking I gained some water weight, but we will see week two next week #caloriedeficit #midsize #gymmotivation #Fitness #weightloss
the beginning of the month we started our fitness journey and I am so proud of how consistent we have been in forming just new habits into our lives. Time waits for no one and whether I achieve my fitness goals or don’t, the summer will be here and I just want my jeans to fit me #christian #gymmotivation #Fitness #midsize