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Top 100 Tiktok Travel Videos (United Kingdom)
The digital screens are such a cool touch 🤩 #zenvo #luxury #supercar
You can cook food using the sun with this solar oven! #fyp #foryou #goodnews #sustainableliving #Sustainability #offgrid #french
The cars be like… 🫨 #cars #rccars #science
I've never seen a trunk levitate 😲 #lamborghini #concept #lanzador
So… that’s where the toilet paper went 😅 #tire #toilet #DIY
Let me just land my helicopter here 🤣 #limousine #cars #vehicles
Keep your cars away form his robot 😱 #robot #future #cars
No its not a myth its the mythos 🤩 #mercedes #f1 #luxury
A very subtle hint… #brits #eltonjohn #live
No, this isn’t a Valentine’s Day gift, it’s a wind turbine that has NO Blades. They have been created by Spanish startup, Vortex Bladeless and they can convert wind energy coming from any direction. Essentially the base is connected to the ground whilst the cylindrical mast is able to live its best life and oscillates freely perpendicular to the wind direction which generates electricity, utilising something called vortex shedding. The technology, which is still in development, isn't as efficient as traditional wind turbines, but as there are no blades, they are safer for wildlife such as birds, they're lower maintenance and create virtually no noise pollution, meaning they could be good in urban areas and protected areas. Do you know someone who’d be a fan of this idea? #goodnews #sustainableliving #renewables #ecofriendly #Sustainability #cleanenergy
Поселок в России в котором хотел бы жить каждый
the beauty of nature 🌱🌱🌱 #youcannoteatmoney #savetheearth #theseed #aurora #cottagecore #ireland
Quad bikes are the new future for Tesla 😎 #cybertruck #tesla #tech
I never knew cars had skeletons 🤯 #bmw #concept #future
Как живут люди на Сахалине? Это город Южно Сахалинск и живет здесь чуть больше 180 тыс человек. Город расположен на дальнем востоке и омывается сразу двумя морями Охотским и Японским. За последние годы здесь многое изменилось: строятся дороги, развивается сельское хозяйство, внешний облик города меняется к лучшему. Сахалинская область – регион не бедный, и видно, что деньги тратятся на развитие.Здесь строят новые дома, построили горнолыжный курорт, есть классные парки, запустили городские автобусы и убрали маршрутки. Все в целом развивается неплохо.
What NBA player is this? Bonus points if you guess the passer too 🎥🏀 In this Animation Sports video, I transformed my real video highlight of this NBA player into a 3D toy character. #sportsvideography #sportsvideographer #smsports #vfx #NBA #animationsports
That exposed engine is gorgeous 👌 #lamborghini #v12 #luxury